Babysitting and Childcare

Babysitting and Childcare for children from infancy to 12 years old:

The care of the child includes a wide range of aspects that affect his physical growth, as well as his psychological and social development. The trained caregiver accompanies the child in the following areas:

Proper nutrition: Providing a child with balanced and healthy nutrition is essential for his physical and mental development. The child's diet should include a variety of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.

Personal hygiene: The caregiver takes care of the child’s hygiene through regular bathing, brushing teeth, and changing diapers regularly. This helps in preventing infections and infectious diseases.

Health Monitoring during Illness: When the child is sick, the caregiver carefully monitors him and provides necessary medical care, whether it's administering appropriate medication or offering comfort and personal care.

Psychosocial development: This includes providing love, attention and encouragement to the child, as well as providing opportunities to discover and develop his skills and interests.

Effective communication: The caregiver provides effective communication with the child, listens to his needs and problems, and interacts with him positively.

Education and Learning: The caregiver contributes by supporting and encouraging the child to develop his mental, intellectual, and social skills.

Healthy sleep: The caregiver provides a suitable environment for sleep and sets a regular schedule for sleeping and relaxation hours.